The best tactic and solution to help you spend less time on your phone

The best tactic and solution to help you spend less time on your phone

How to spend less time on the phone

They say, “Too much of anything can do more damage than good.” This saying comes to mind when discussing addictive habits, such as the obsessive use of smartphones. If you need help spending less time on the phone, you’re in the right place. Phone addiction poses several risks, including sleep deficit, aggravated ADD, anxiety, reduced cognition, stress, insecurity, and psychological disorders. It can also lead to physical dysfunctions. So, you should adopt the best strategies to spend less time on your phone.


How phone addiction develops

Smartphones are a necessity in today’s digital age. They simplify access to information and communication. But spending too much time on your phone poses negative consequences. Experts define phone addiction, or nomophobia, as the fear of being without a mobile device.

Smartphones are designed to be additive through colors, sounds, and vibrations. They use features like “pull to refresh” adopted from slot machines to keep users engaged. First, dopamine is released in the brain every time you receive a message, notification, or alert on your phone. This hormone induces happiness. It increases screen time and encourages cell phone overuse.

Phone addicts showcase symptoms similar to compulsive gambling, including loss of control, tolerance, persistence, withdrawal, and relapse. These issues have far-reaching implications on personal and work life. For example, overusing your smartphone at work can reduce your concentration and productivity. It can also undermine bonding time and family relationships at home. The good news is that mobile phone overuse is avoidable.

How to cut the time spent on your phone

Psychologists have proposed several ways to spend less time on phones, including cognitive behavioral therapy, adopting new hobbies, and removing time-consuming apps. But these tactics may not work for all phone users. And phone usage varies from one person to another. The best strategy should address the habits encouraging smartphone overuse.

One root cause of phone overuse is accessibility. Do you always have your device in your hands? This habit encourages mobile phone overuse. You have to use your phone for calls. But you don't need it at your fingertips at all times. The best way to spend less time on the phone is to minimize access to your device. How? Habit Control can help you manage phone usage.

How does Habit Control work?

Habit Control is a lockable box with a timer. Think of a mini safe box that allows you to lock away your phone for a specific period and opens at the pre-set time. This self-control phone box restricts access to your smartphone, eliminating unnecessary usage. But it also applies another principle - Out of Sight, Out of Mind. If you don’t see your phone, you’ll forget about it. So, you won’t be tempted to check notifications and alerts more often.

How Habit Control Cell Phone Lock Box works


Habit Control is compatible with most smartphones in the US, including iPhone, Samsung, Motorola, and Huawei. It is a thoughtful gift for loved ones who seek to spend less time on the phone but don’t have the discipline to achieve this life goal. Don’t allow phone addiction to ruin lives!

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