Habit Control app controlled lock for cabinets and drawers with timer
How Habit Control works
Habit Control lock integrated into drawer to serve as electronics lock box
The list of addictive products which can be locked with Habit Control lock to limit consumption
Two ways to install Habit Control lock into cabinet, drawer or wooden box. Tape or Screws




相容裝置和附加功能:習慣控制 BLE 智慧鎖適用於 iPhone 和 Android 手機。它的打開距離可達 10 公尺。最長凝固時間為 10 天。您可以決定它是在打開後 5 秒自動鎖定還是保持解鎖狀態,按照您喜歡的方式進行。 重要提示:計時器到時後鎖不會自行開啟;您仍然需要任何相容的智慧型手機才能存取可鎖定的計時器儲存空間。

高度適用性:我們的隱形鎖可以安裝在家庭、辦公室(工作場所)或學校的各種家具類型上,包括櫥櫃(鞦韆、滑動)、抽屜或木箱。您可以在家庭時間將其用作時間鎖箱,以鎖定手機、平板電腦 (Ipad)、筆記型電腦、遊戲機和其他幹擾物,限制螢幕時間並鼓勵在家庭餐桌上出現。提示:查看合適和不合適的家具類型影片。 

兩種安裝鎖的方式:我們的隱形時間控制鎖可以透過超強雙面膠帶安裝在您的廚房、浴室或臥室家具內(無需鑽孔,無需額外工具),因此您的家具將節省它真實的外觀。或者,為了增加安全性,您可以用螺絲固定食品儲藏室鎖。請查看我們的視訊手冊,以了解如何在特定家具類型上安裝定時儲物櫃。注意:請勿在微波爐上安裝鎖(距離微波爐至少 4 英尺)。


一次性電池: CR123A、3V、1400 mAh 電池適用於我們的鎖,您可以購買並輕鬆更換。您將收到應用程式中電池電量低的通知。

關於我們: 公司位於佛羅裡達州。電子定時釋放門鎖中國製造,應用程式 - 美國。 專利申請中!

Game-Changer in Breaking Habits

Habit Control universal lock features three working modes one timer with overrides for shared use, the other without for self-control, also can be used as a traditional lock( not timer) Habit Control universal lock features three working modes one timer with overrides for shared use, the other without for self-control, also can be used as a traditional lock( not timer)

Keep Different Temptations Out Of Reach

Medicines are locked up in the kitchen cabinet equipped with a Habit Control timer lock to limit prescription medication consumption.

Medicine Lock Box

Keep medicines out of reach for kids and help control addictions to prescription medications, such as pain pills or sleeping pills. Use Habit Control smart lock to keep medicine unreachable for kids.

Habit Control lock with timer can be installed on your kitchen cabinet to serve as a snack lock box to reduce junk food intake.

Snack Lock Box

Control your own snacking habits by placing temptations in the lock box, pressing the self-control button, and setting a timer. Even you won't be able to access the items until the time has passed. Also you can just locked(without timer) sweets, chips, soda etc. to reduce your dearest people's intake.

Our lock can be attached on your kitchen cabinet to serve as a liquor lock box to limit late night drinking or keep kids our of alcohol

Liquor Lock Box

Limit your loved ones' temptation to drink and prevent accidental alcohol consumption by teens. Decrease your own alcohol intake with the self-control feature.

Habit Control App's Additional Features

  • Track locking/unlocking history.
  • Share your lock's access with anyone via email from anywhere.
  • Also you can give admin access(almost full, except the possibility to delete the lock from the system, it can do only owner) or guest access(only allows you to open a regular lock, timer lock is unavailable for guest).
  • Silent/sound mode.
  • Auto-lock after opening(optional)

Installs on various furniture types

Places in your home where the Habit Control smart lock can be installed. Places in your home where the Habit Control smart lock can be installed.
suitable and unsuitable furniture types suitable and unsuitable furniture types

Battery & Construction

Habit Control lock's battery capacity and construction High quality ABS material and durable construction metal deadbolt latch


What should I do if I lock my phone in a cabinet or drawer equipped with Habit Control lock?

Our smart lock doesn't open on its own; to access your storage, you still need a smartphone. All you need to do is open the Habit Control app on any other phone, sign in to your account, and open the box.

Can I open the box with a tablet or laptop?

No. Unfortunately, at the moment the app is only designed for phones.

Can I add time before the counter reaches zero?

It depends on whether you set the timer with the self-control feature enabled or not. If you turn it on, you can't add time; if it's off, you can turn off the timer and reset it to the desired time.

Can I override the Habit Control timer when it's locked?

Our timer can be set with the self-control feature turned on or off. This means that you can set the timer for someone else and still have the ability to unlock the lock, or you can set it for yourself for self-control.

What can I do if the application isn't working as expected?

We're sorry for any trouble with the app. Give restarting the app or your phone a shot, as it often does the trick. If the problem hangs around, try refreshing the Bluetooth connection. Need more help? Reach out to our friendly support team.


Works as described

The lock works as it should, and while the app might glitch occasionally, a quick restart does the trick, and the timer updates right away. It's been a game-changer in helping me kick my sweet tooth to the curb.

Jassica C.

Great idea

This device offers a straightforward yet powerful way to manage my impulse snacking and avoid overeating. Recommend...

Cassie Anderson

Good to use for cabinets with alcohol

This cabinet lock is incredibly useful, especially if you have kids. We've been using it on our liquor cabinet, providing peace of mind that children won't accidentally access alcohol. It's a great way to ensure safety and control access. Highly recommend!

John Angel

Help with Ipad screen time

We can set up a timer and secure the cabinet, keeping gadgets away from kids to limit their screen time.

Max T.
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