Habit Control White Cell Phone Lock Box with a Timer to stop phone addiction on a white background
Key Features of Timer Phone Lock Box: Portable, light weight only 7.7 oz., long standby, 2.5 hours charging time, features sound & silent modes
Habit Control time lock box features backlight screen, type C & lighting charging ports, hole to charge your phone while it locked inside the box, removable cover for answering calls, lanyard hole, physical buttons to open & control the device
Lockable storage box with timer fits more phone models with its big inside space 6,63 x 3,36 x 0,63 inch.
Men and women are able to work without distractions when their phones are locked up in our cell phone jails, helping them stay focused.
Family enjoy parent-child time, instead of sticking into the phones thanks to Habit Control phone lock box with a timer
Family sleeping instead of sticking into phones due to Habit Control phone locking boxes
Green cell phone timer lock box on white background
Yellow cell phone locking box with a timer on white background
Blue cell phone lockable box on white background



顏色: 黃色的

  • 完美的習慣養成產品:即使不需要,也很難控製手機的使用嗎?我們知道這是真的。我們的手機定時鎖箱旨在為您提供協助。讓您的手機保持智能 手機鎖盒可以讓您更擺脫不必要的手機使用,並更加專注於工作、學習和重要的生活時刻。
  • 適合大多數手機:我們帶計時器的手機監獄密碼箱與iPhone 14/14 Pro/14 Pro Max/13/13 Pro/13Pro Max/12/11/X/XR/XS/8 / 相容於7/6 plus、三星、摩托羅拉、華為等。內部尺寸為168.5mm*85.5mm*16mm。重要提示:適合薄殼和小殼的手機。
  • 前所未有的專注:定時器鎖定的容器主體完全關閉您的手機螢幕,因此您不會注意到通知。但我們帶定時器的智慧型手機保險箱設有可移動窗口,以便您接聽或拒接電話。
  • 便攜式設計:小巧輕便(220克)定時器鎖盒非常適合放入您的包或孩子的背包中。便攜的 手機定時器鎖盒具有現代簡潔的設計。
  • 長時間待機:您可以設定小定時器 定時鎖箱長達24小時,待機時間可達30天。 
  • 有兩個充電埠:手機的習慣控制鎖盒不含充電線。 C 型和照明充電埠。手機鎖盒可以使用手機充電線輕鬆充電。

Key Features

Habit Control timed lock box for phones is lightweight and portable, it can easily fit in your pocket or handbag.

Portable & Handy Design

Weights only 220 grams and fits easily in your bag or pocket.

Our timer box features a cable slot, allowing you to charge your phone while it's locked.

Lock & Charge Simultaneously

No need to worry about your phone running out of power while it's locked.

The lock box doesn't come with a charging cord but has both lightning and Type-C charging ports, making it compatible with your phone's cable.

Long Standby

Charges approx 2,5 hours, works up to 60 days. Type C & Lighting charging ports. Type C cable is included. Please charge the battery in advance if the box will be not used for a long time.

Time lock box for cell phones features a removable window on its front and provides the possibility to answer calls.

Removable rubber to answer calling

You can fully focus on work but still be in touch.

The Habit Control phone lock box includes a silent mode feature.

Sound & Silent Modes

Press the "Set & Lock" button for 5 times to access the mode setting. Press Up or Down arrow button to select mode: EE:ON is sound mode, EE:FF is silent mode.

The cell phone jail box can be unlocked for emergencies up to five times during its lifetime.

Unique Gift Idea for Any Occasion.

How cell phone lock box work.

Step 1

Second Step: Close the Lid and Press the Set & Lock Button to Begin Setting the Timer

Step 2

Step 3: Press and Hold the Set & Lock Button Until the Timer Initiates an 8-Second Countdown

Step 3


Improves studying

I bought a lock box to curb phone distractions during my son's study time. Within a few months, I've seen a remarkable improvement in his concentration and homework productivity – a valuable investment in reshaping his study habits

Anastasiia H.

Handy for undisturbed moments like suppertime or when assisting with kids' school work. Also useful at bedtime to avoid late-night calls. Convenient during cooking with dirty hands. Perfect for limiting phone time during homework for children or teens

Andrew Brown

Cut down on screen time

Bought it for my wife, who definitely has scrolling addiction. Now I’m happy and she is not so)

Darvin S.
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